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MAM has partnered up with Six N. Five - one of Europe's leading contemporary design studios - to create a magical, dreamy, and surrealist capsule collection.
The @sixnfive project started in 2014 in Argentina, where Ezequiel Pini, the founder, was born. Two years later, they moved to Barcelona, and since then they have become one of the best studios designing amazing dreamlike digital worlds.
Since last year, the Six N. Five challenge is brought to life through the indistinct objects they design in the digital world. And that’s when MAM and Six N.five have decided to join forces and create a spectacular capsule collection between the real and the unreal.
A necklace, a bracelet, a set of ear cuffs and rings, and a digital touch watch inspired by the perception of beauty and simplicity. Bold shapes presented in a very minimalist form contrasting with the metallic and daring holographic finishing.
The collection is showcased in an otherworldly virtual space designed by the studio intended to recreate the balance between what is real and what is fictional.